With deferred deletion enabled, the object is retained for an additional grace period determined by the server document setting. 如果启用了延期删除,该对象仍会保留一段期限,这个额外的期限由server文档设置指定。
The build process typically monitors the Active Development Line for commits and, if found, automatically executes, after a grace period, an integration build and unit test. 构建过程监控关于提交的活动开发线,在一个较宽松的限期自动地执行集成构建和单元测试。
The grace period for payment of those bonds ends Wednesday. 上述债券利息支付的宽限期截至周三。
France has already spent a lot of political capital with Germany and others in getting a two-year grace period from Eurozone to bring its budget deficit down to 3% of GDP. 法国在德国和其他成员国身上花了大笔政治资本,从欧元区争取了为期两年的宽限期,旨在将其预算赤字拉回占GDP3%的水平。
There is a real risk that collective resistance during the grace period will make implementation impossible. 目前有一个切实的风险:宽限期的集体抵制,将令新规的执行变得不可能。
I thought you said there is a grace period. 我以为有一个宽限期的。
Sources in the pharmaceutical industry there say that SFDA officials and pharmaceutical companies are being given a grace period during which they can come clean and face a lesser penalty. 制药企业里的人说,政府给予了SFDA的官员与制药企业一定的宽限期,在此期间他们可以交代以减轻惩罚。
Under normal circumstances, the banks will offer the applicants a six-month grace period for repayment of the loan principal. 银行通常会给予申请人六个月偿还贷款本金的宽限期。
Granting a grace period of one year after graduation before the borrower has to start repaying interest and principal in full; 在借款人开始还本付息前,给与其毕业后一年的还贷宽限期;
If this test fails, the90-day grace period for your temporary client license has expired. 如果这个测试失败,临时客户端许可证的90天的宽限期则已作废。
As an exception of prior art, grace period is referring to the fulfillment of the patentability requirements of novelty, so it affects authorization of patent. 宽限期作为现有技术例外情形,涉及专利实质条件中新颖性的满足问题,从而影响专利确权,成为专利法中的一个基本问题。
Where Party A fails to deliver the house to Party B on the delivery date as required in the contract or the delivery date after modification, Party B makes a commitment to agree to give Party A a90-day grace period. 若甲方未能在本合同规定之交付日或变更后的交付日将该房屋交付给乙方,乙方承诺同意给予甲方90天的宽限期。
When the grace period expires, the contract is annulled. 宽限期一过,合同即终止。
Grace period: The period allowed in a loan schedule during which repayments of loan principal need not be made. 宽限期:在贷款的还款时间表中,规定可以不偿还本金的一段时间。
We provide 29 days grace period for domain name renewal after expired. 在到期以后,我们提供29天宽限期为域名续约(续费)。
What is the Grace period for domain name renewal? 什么是域名续约(续费)的宽限期?
Is there a grace period after check-out time? 结账以后还有宽限期吗?
No papers will be accepted beyond the seven-day grace period. 超过七天缓冲期后不接受任何报告。
If the policy lapses after the grace period, the insured may reinstate the contract under certain conditions. 若在宽限期之后保单失效,被保险人可以在一定条件下恢复原保险合同。
Even the producer forgot to apply for the registration renewal, the law grants a 6-months grace period. 连生产商都常常忘记申请注册续展,法律会给予6个月的宽限期。
We've also made a commitment to not make major breaking changes without a grace period of warning messages. 我们也郑重承诺,如果没有事先发出警告,我们不会对代码作出任何重要的修改。
The grace period allowed a new president to be briefed and to set his own tactics is over. 新任总统听取汇报和决定自己策略的宽限期已经过了。
On Feb.20, Moody's Investors Service upgraded Neo-China's senior unsecured bonds after the company made an interest payment that had been delayed but was still within a30-day grace period. 2月20日,在中新集团尽管一度推迟但仍在30天的宽限期内支付了利息后,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)上调了中新集团高级无担保债券的评级。
He also suggested that before the re-establishment of tariffs, reducing the grace period for re-sale of fabric, cut from two years to one year. 同时他还强调,在重新确立关税之前,缩减再次出售面料的宽限期,从两年时间缩减到一年时间。
We agree to insert a clause giving you a ten-day grace period. 我们同意给你加上一条&天宽限期的条款。